Saturday, November 30, 2019

SUSAN GLASPELL’S TRIFLES an Example of the Topic Arts Essays by

SUSAN GLASPELL’S TRIFLES It was said that the settings for the plays generates certain impact for the audience or reader. It usually brings out the necessary highlights that are needed to be brought up. The issues or conflicts in the play could easily be identified given a good setting for a play. The ambiance or the mood of the play could establish the right reactions from the audience or readers. In this particular essay, the play that is about to be scrutinized is the one that was written by Susan Glaspell. "Trifles' was written on the year 1916. It is highly essential to note this particular year given that the issue that would be raised in this paper concerns the setting of the play. But what is a setting? It could be seen that the setting, concerning a play, means that it is the time, place, and circumstances in which a narrative, drama, or film takes place. ("Settings") or it is The context and environment in which a situation is set; the background. ("Settings") I firmly assert then that the setting of a play could reflect the meaning of the play. Need essay sample on "SUSAN GLASPELLS TRIFLES" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed The setting put up by Glaspell in "Trifles' then would be a good indication for the interpretation that a reader or audience might have. The setting could bring out the meaning for the plays due to two things. Firstly, it could generate the basic information to create the basic interpretation of the play. It would seem that the setting in the said play could bring out the feministic issues of the author or writer. The setting also brought about the moralistic issue that the author or writer had left for the speculation of the audience or reader. Lastly, the concurrence is also due to the reason that the setting provides the aesthetic and symbolic outlook to further assert the meaning and the interpretation that could be found in the play. How would a setting affects the entirety of the play depends on how the audience or reader would view the play itself. Interpretations of the play then are a necessary action that could generate the meaning of the play. In this sense, the setting could then provide a tableau for the basic interpretations that the audience or reader would have. It becomes very basic since it could provide a hint on the gravity of the issues or conflict that might occur. It could be inferred then that the basic conflict that could be found in the play is the dichotomy between the male and female sexes. The year 1916 may not be the year for the height of feministic ideals but the play had created a certain hint on the views of women in Glaspell's time. The timeframe of the play was one where the male species dominate the scene of society. It could be concluded then that the internal battles of the two women in the play could have a direct connection to the societal framework that they are in. The implications are there particularly when the male dialogues pertain to how they view the inferiority of the female species. The undeniably prejudiced remark could be found especially when it came to the "trifles' that the women are concerned. The kitchen setting could also provide a situation where this has become the symbol of the women's domain. The main scene in the play revolves around the kitchen. The women being known to be at-home to the kitchen was not touched by the law enforcer in the decision that the kitchen would have nothing to do with the crime scene. Surely, the law enforcer has disregarded the area due to the reasons that he would not dare to touch the women's domain and that he had underestimated the power that the women could have. The setting then played a major role in creating the basic interpretations n eeded by the audience or reader to understand the conflict and to know the meaning of the play. Another issue that could be raised here then is the moralistic implication that the play has. The issue on whether or not the women should have told their secret to the men is a clear indication that what was in the mind of the women were beyond moralistic. It had become the silent battle cry that they have against the domineering male species. Although, in real instances this would be unforgivable but the play was banking on the fantastical implications on what women could really do. The cleverness that was displayed in the kitchen was a way for Glaspell to say that women could be respected especially when they too have intellectual capacities. The setting helped then for the audience or readers to realize such implication. Another reason that the setting could bring out the meaning of the play is that the setting have certain aesthetic and symbolic value for the people. The aesthetic and symbolic value of the play could highlight the things that could be highlighted. Take for example the kitchen area of the play. It was necessary that some of the things there should be left cluttered. It could only heighten the sense of distress that Mrs. Wright had been feeling. It was a well-known fact that women stayed in the house to look after the household matters and a cluttered kitchen would symbolically mean that the disturbance in the household is quite obvious. Since the men had no idea on how the female mind works, they have dismissed it to poor implementation of chores. It would not be unusual that the revelation of the meaning behind this were only coming from the women in the play. Let it be noted then that the scene where the men were teasing the women about the trifle they were making over an unfinishe d quilt. They believed this to be a trifle but little did they know that the implication of the dialogues and the quilt itself is and evidence that could solve the mystery. In conclusive remarks, the setting could provide the readers or audience ample information in generating the meaning of the play. The setting could provide the basic information that is necessary for the basic interpretations of the play. With these basic interpretations the audience or reader could pinpoint the meaning behind the play. Another reason for the importance of the setting is the aesthetic and symbolic value that it could provide to further understand what the author or writer would want his/her reader to understand about the play. Works Cited "Settings". 2003. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language Fourth Edition (August 21, 2007). .

Monday, November 25, 2019

Chinese Economic Refrom essays

Chinese Economic Refrom essays Two years after the death of Mao Zedong in 1976, it became apparent to many of China's leaders that economic reform was necessary. During his tenure as China's premier, Mao had encouraged social movements such as the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution which had had as their bases ideologies such as serving the people and maintaining the class struggle. By 1978 "Chinese leaders were searching for a solution to serious economic problems produced by Hua Guofeng, the man who had succeeded Mao Zedong as CCP leader after Mao's death" (Shirk 35). Hua had demonstrated a desire to continue the ideologically based movements of Mao. Unfortunately, these movements had left China in a state where "agriculture was stagnant, industrial production was low, and the people's living standards had not increased in twenty years" (Nathan 200). This last area was particularly troubling. While "the gross output value of industry and agriculture increased by 810 percent and national income grew by 420 percent [between 1952 and 1980] ... average individual income increased by only 100 percent" (Ma Hong quoted in Shirk 28). However, attempts at economic reform in China were introduced not only due to some kind of generosity on the part of the Chinese Communist Party to increase the populace's living standards. It had become clear to members of the CCP that economic reform would fulfill a political purpose as well since the party felt, properly it would seem, that it had suffered a loss of support. As Susan L. Shirk describes the situation in The Political Logic of Economic Reform in China, restoring the CCP's prestige required improving economic performance and raising living standards. The traumatic experience of the Cultural Revolution had eroded popular trust in the moral and political virtue of the CCP. The party's leaders decided to shift the base of party legitimacy from virtue to competen...

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Study of why Gladiatorial Contests Took Place in Ancient Rome

A Study of why Gladiatorial Contests Took Place in Ancient Rome After the Carthage in 201 BC, the Roman Empire embarked through a dangerous time period where all gladiatorial fights were all the hype. The article â€Å"Murderous Games: Gladiatorial Contests in Ancient Rome† by Keith Hopkins, discusses the fights and how they were used for entertainment purpose; where war was considered â€Å"fun†. And at the time, Roman Empire consisted of 50 to 60 million people, which was one-fifth/one-sixth of the world’s population. The Roman Empire was a warrior state where animals and people were sacrificed. People of all backgrounds were sacrificed for funerals and for entertainment purposes. In this analysis, I will discuss their purpose, the animals involved, and Rome’s present ever since that time period. The purpose behind the gladiatorial fight was for pure entertainment. Rome was a cruel place where people were used for dangerous malpractices. At the time, Gladiatorial fights were acceptable in their eyes, but in today’s society, it is considered unethical. People worshipped the gladiators like they were pop-stars. They were famous and considered the greatest people in Rome; they were considered heroes to public. People also supported the gladiatorial fights due to fear, and if they objected against it, they were soon faced with the same dilemma as the gladiators, death. And when people went to the arena as the audience, and one time there was not enough criminals to be condemned to death, so instead they killed a crowd of people to the wild animals. The emperor was the one person that made the decisions. He made that decision because, sometimes, things did not go the way he would have liked them to. In many occasions, the audience would object and ask for favors, such as lowering their taxes, food, or an execution of a different person. But sometimes the people who were shouting were going to the consequences. During this time period, the emperor made the decisions and the people’s lives where in the hands of the emperor. Animals were also involved in this cruel activity that was a sport. A large amount of animals were used as entertainment and later put to die. Some of the many animals involved included elephants, ostriches, lions, and much more. Criminals, animals, and slaves, and other people were put inside the arenas to fight, and many of them did not survive; no one actually comes out alive. On a day there were 3,000 people who fought (included men and woman) and 5,000 animals that were killed in the arena. That shows how big the arena was, which also included more room for 50,000 people to watch. One of the biggest shows was the show made by the Emperor Trajan to celebrate his defeat against Dacia. The fight lasted throughout 123 days; with 9,138 gladiators fighting and 11,000 animals killed. The emperor then later started to introduce more animals; animals like crocodiles, rhinoceros, giraffes, and tigers. At one point, the amount of hippopotamuses started to decrease more and more until one was brought from Europe through a steamship from London. Wild animals seemed to have been decreasing over that time period due to the tremendous amount of fights. Rome has changed ever since those time periods, making it an important part of history. People of all backgrounds were killed- who were criminals, slaves, Christians, and even people from the crowds- and for the emperor’s entertainment. Rome was a cruel society where cruelty was a way of life. People died for the public’s selfish needs of entertainment. There were no laws against those actions that brought brutality into the lives of the Romans. Many people looked up to the people that did not show them the true meaning of being hero, and instead they looked up to gladiators who harmed others where many of them were innocent.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Case Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case Problem - Essay Example Such a business case demonstrates yet again how statistics can be used to reduce uncertainty. In particular, simulation modeling enables quantification of events and outcomes with varying probabilities. Previewing all possible outcomes with unknown probabilities of occurrence helps to assess potential costs and benefits. Monte Carlo simulation is one such procedure that applies (Doane & Seward, 2007; Stout, 2007). These parameters require the use of a uniform model, where RV values vary within a given range with no central tendency or standard deviation assumed. For the first step of estimating randomly varying demand, the result of 52 iterations of revenue simulations (see Table 1 below) yields a somewhat skewed distribution with a mean of $540 daily, a median of $542 and a standard deviation of $184. Gross annual revenue before simulating the effect of mechanical breakdown would be $28,109. This is the baseline. Next, we factor in the incidence of breakdowns and the lead time for repair. We employ the RAND function to estimate the probability that the copier will be trouble-free all days of the week (instead of defining as â€Å"6 times the square root of r†). For the first week in the all-year iterations, therefore, the RAND value of 0.487 translates to a probability that the main copier will break down after just three days of operation. That same week, repair lead time is calculated using the VLOOKUP function based on the same column of RAND values. Since RAND=0.487 is lower than the 0.65 cumulative probability associated with two days’ repair lead time, the VLOOKUP function returns 1 day. Hence, revenue loss for the week comes to gross revenue times the proportion of 7 days that the main copier can reliably be predicted to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Preliminary proposal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Preliminary proposal - Research Paper Example The Germans played an extremely significant role in the origin of the cold war since it held an important strategic position. This took place through a number of transformations among the Germans. It was additionally, contributed by the post war international order that resulted from the inter-Allied work on denaziation. The main contributions of the cold war included the rationalist aspects that were caused by the interaction between superpowers. A particular emphasis is placed on the legal and diplomatic framework that sustained not only the way the German question was treated but, also the examination of the interaction between superpowers in relation to the way that they enforced their structural interests. Thus, it is because of the interactions between the elements related to coexistence and intervention, the German question that is analyzed from a systematic standpoint was made up of the most significant issue in the configuration of the international order that was given after the war (Lewcowicz 14). There was a rough relationship between the US and the USSR since the year 1919. However, the USSR did not have a global reach. As such, most of the conflict was performed by local and homegrown communist parties alongside the government that is currently in power. Nonetheless, this only lasted when in 1983; the Spanish Civil War resulted in people all over the world taking sides (14). The start of the cold war that took place between 1947 and 1953 took place after the Second World War. Its main origin was the Truman Doctrine that took place in 1947 up to the end of the Korean War in 1953. It lasted through most part of the 20th century (40). The connection between the German question and the cold war is relevant to the course materials since it makes it possible to link with other events such as the frequency with which France and German, which includes Prussia as its key component have been at war frequently. These are the Franco-Prussian war

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Foundation of Society Essay Example for Free

The Foundation of Society Essay Education is one of the most essential aspects of any society or any country as it provides the fundamentals that people need to accomplish things in life. It molds young people into respectable and dignified individuals by teaching them proper conduct and discipline. In addition, in higher levels of learning it cultivates the skills, professions, and careers that a person would like to pursue and use for his or development. The road to being a doctor, architect, engineer, nurse, and lawyer, among others, always begins with getting a good education. In short, education serves as the foundation for society as it teaches various lessons in life. Moreover, education has a variety of implications and can also affect all aspects of society. In terms of economics, education is essential for any country as it helps it attain high levels of economic growth. When more people are educated, there would be more technically-skilled workers that contribute to society and help shape the economy. In addition, In short, the higher the educational rates of a country is, the more it can adapt to the growing trends and policies of the rest of the world. High rates of education would also lead to vast improvement of technology, which is a key factor in the development of any country. In other words, it can then be deduced that education plays a highly essential role in the performance of the economy. Education also plays a crucial role in the fields of health and medicine. In society, if people are educated with the best measures that would ensure their health and safety, they would be able to avoid the most infectious diseases and deadliest illnesses. Research, which is another important part of education, is also crucial because it provides people with new information regarding the latest strain of viruses or bacteria that can cause potential harm to individuals. In short, in the field of science in general, obtaining continuing education is of primary importance because it paves the way for new breakthroughs and innovations. Due to the importance of education in the world, it should then follow that its goals should also be equally important. Every country must ensure that the goals of its educational system is updated and would provide students with more than enough skills and knowledge that can prepare them for the real world. However, before doing so, a nation must first ensure that all children, regardless of economic status, will be able to access high-quality education because it is a right and not simply a privilege. Moreover, aside from being able to teach students skills in Mathematics, Science, History and Languages, an educational institution should also be able to instill a sense of competitiveness among learners. To do this, the curriculum of any school must always be updated and meet educational standards. It should be comprehensive enough and proper for the level of education where is being applied. Furthermore, teaching methods should also be goal-oriented in order for students to know their target objectives. These methods should also be innovative and interactive so that an educator can determine whether or not his or her students have truly learned from him or her. In short, when all these standards are met, educational institutions would not only be of high-quality but would also produce top-caliber, highly competent, and well-rounded graduates who can impart to other people what they have learned.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Glass Ceiling Essay -- essays research papers

In order for organizations to function members within the organization, the organization needs to work together to achieve specific goals and solve problems. Organizations will usually work in teams and each team has leaders that get the other team members on the ball to do perform different tasks. Organizations are structured in a hierarchy way. There is the top level management with the CEOs and presidents and other head people. Then there is the middle-level management that includes department heads and managers. Finally there are the employees of the organization working hard to hopefully move up in the corporation to these higher levels. When employees move up the corporate ladder there are certain rewards they get like a higher salary and maybe more benefits such as more flextime. From the very beginning the world has been dominated by men and even more so in the workplace. Men were always the leaders and heads of everything all the way down to the family. The woman was the nu rturer and she was only there to provide the man with a family and to care for the family. Her place was never in the workplace. That was strictly for men. It wasn’t until World War I where women started to enter the workforce in larger numbers and this was primarily because all the men were being sent over to fight in the war and their wives took their spots on the factory floors so that corporations could still function. There is the ever famous Rosie the Riveter poster during World War II that had the famous motto for women â€Å"We can do it.† This got women out of the house and onto the factory floors where their husbands had been working until the war broke out. Of course once the war was over and men came back the women were in a since forced back into the house. But ever since then women began to enter the workforce more and more ever year. Women were starting to realize that they can do the work just as good as men could or even better. Today women account for 45% of the paid labor force (Williams, 6). That number will continue to grow over the next couple of years until eventually women equal or even go above men in the labor force. Although women are playing a big part in the labor market today, they are still unable to advance high up the corporate ladder like men can. There are a very few exceptions to this, but the majority of women in organizations can only usually get ... ...ough because organizations are realizing that the working world has changed. Women are no longer staying in the house to tend to the family. They are going out into the workplace just like the men and are competing for the best possible jobs that they can get. Works Sited Caplan, Jessica. China Staff. Hong Kong: Sep 2004. Vol 10, Iss 9. pg. 14. Connolly, John. Personnel Today. Sutton: Sep 28, 2004. pg. 17. Fitzgerald, Barbara. â€Å"New York Times.† (Late Edition (East Coast)). New York, N.Y.:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Aug 10, 2003. pg. 14NJ.1. Barbara F. Reskin, Heidi I. Hartmann, editors. â€Å"Women’s Work, Men’s Work.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Washington D.C. National Academy Press. 1986. Jacobs, Jerry, editor. â€Å"Gender Inequality at Work.† California. Sage Publications, Inc.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1995.. Nichols, Nancy. Editor. â€Å"Reach For the Top.† Boston. Harvard Business School. 1994. Sekaran, Uma. Editor. â€Å"WOMANPOWER.† California. Sage Publications, Inc. 1992. Symonds, William. Business Week. New York: Oct 4, 2004, Iss. 3902, pg 98. Williams, Christine. â€Å"Still A Man’s World.† Los Angeles. University of California   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Press. 1995.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Positive Relationship

HKU SPACE Community College Today’s agenda: ? After this class, you are expected to know : I. The features of a healthy relationship II. How to initiate interactions III. How to enrich a relationship How can you apply any one of the elements to improve relationships in your life? There are questions for your self-reflection! 2 I. Features of healthy relationship 1. Genuineness (Rogers, 1980) ? Revealing your true self and striving to be honest. ? More than absence of lying; openness and authenticity are significant facets. 3 I. Features of healthy relationship 2. Unconditional positive regard (Rogers, 1980) ?Warm acceptance of each other’s personhood. ? Positive responses not because of any conditions or reasons. ? , ? ? ? ? ? ? , ? ? ? ? ? I would love you most if you become the best among your classmates. 4 I. Features of healthy relationship 3. Empathy (Rogers, 1980) ? Ability to experience others’ perspectives, feelings, ideas and emotions. ? Feel what the o thers feel, being able to â€Å"put yourself into others’ place†. 5 I. Features of healthy relationship 4. Enjoyments of joy and â€Å"up†. ? Feeling of energized. ? Feeling better emotionally after meeting each other. ? Feeling 6 I. Features of healthy relationship . Self-disclosure ? As people reveal more of the hidden selves, a powerful basis for trust and understanding can be formed. 7 I. Features of healthy relationship 6. Dependability ? Can rely on each other. ? The feeling that you can count on the other to treat you fairly, and this is reciprocated. 8 ? Codependency ? ? ? Codependency is NOT one of the features of healthy relationship. Harmful to the parties involved in the relationships. Codependents feel compelled to help others. They are (excessively) responsive to the needs of the world to the exclusion of their own needs. ?Do you always try to please or help others to an extent that you may hurt yourself and others? 9 I. Features of healthy relatio nship 7. High self-esteem ? ? Enable one to reach out positively to others. I am ok, you are ok. 10 Self-reflection! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Can you often show your true self to others? Do you like a person just because s/he does you good favors? Can you often empathize with others? Can you often disclose yourself to others with ease? Do you often find lots of fun when interacting with others? Do you have someone whom you can depend on in your life, if not, any possible reasons?Do you think that â€Å"I am ok, others are ok too†? 11 II. Initiating Interactions 1. 2. 3. 4. Managing first impression Tolerance, Acceptance and Appreciation Overcoming shyness Approaching people 12 1. Managing first impressions ? You have only one chance to leave a first impression to other people. On the other hand†¦. ? Be open to your first impression on others. ? Allow time and involvement to verify your first impression. 13 2. From Tolerance, Acceptance to Appreciation ? Tolerance of people who are different is a worthy, basic goal of interpersonal relations. Social Categorization (For instance, French) ?Stereotyping (Stereotypic labels towards French, such as romantic, stylish, dirty) ? Prejudice (negative attitudes towards French) ? Discrimination (unfair treatment towards French) 14 ? 3. Overcoming shyness ? ? Move beyond passiveness and inaction Start with small behavioral changes ? Sincere smile to your classmates ? Say â€Å"hi† or â€Å"good morning†to classmates 15 4. Approaching people ? ? Looking for approachability cues. ? Approach someone when he/she is in a hurry, involved in other issues? ? Or when they are waiting for a class to start, sit alone and looked open? Checking for approachability. Can I talk to you for 5 mins? ? Are you busy right now? 16 Self-reflection! ? ? ? ? Do you judge a person immediately based on the first impressions? Do you often prejudice people based on their social categories? Do you often disturb others because you never c heck for approachability? Do you often find it hard to converse with others? 17 III. How to enrich a relationship 1. Realistic expectation of relationships ? No one is perfect, neither are relationships ? I expect I would always be happy in the relationship. 18 2. Sensitivity ? Having an awareness about the perceptions and perspectives of others ?You sense that your friend is a bit unusual today, hence offers concerns and/help. 3. Appreciation ? Do you often deliver sincere compliments to people around you? 19 4. Little act of kindness ? ? ? Not time-consuming favors but brings significant joy Induce a helping and caring atmosphere The effects usually have been overlooked Demonstrate a little act of kindness to the person next to you NOW. 20 5. Assertiveness ? Maintain one’s legitimate rights and expressing thoughts and feelings in nonthreatening ways. Decline other’s requests assertively without feeling guilty ? ? I can’t help you this time, I need to finish so me other important things. † 21 6. Negotiation skills ? Conflicts is NOT a matter of right or wrong but is only caused by difference in opinions. Five Styles of managing conflict (Putnam, 1990; Thomas, 1988, cited in Weiten & Lloyd, 2000) ? 22 ? (1) Avoidance ? ? low concern for self and other People who prefer this style believe that ignoring a problem will make it go away Low concern for self, high concern for others Accommodator feels uncomfortable with conflict High concern for self, low concern for others Competitors possibly turn conflict into a win-lose situation ? (2) Accommodation ? ? (3) Competition ? ? 23 ? (4) Compromise ? ? Moderate concern for self and others Compromisers may give up something so both can have partial satisfaction. High concern for self and others Involves a sincere effort to find a solution that will maximize the satisfaction to both parties Conflict is viewed as a mutual problem to be solved as effectively as possible 24 ? (5) Collaboration ? ? ? 7. Supportiveness What is the most supportive utterance or gesture you have ever met? Empathy is important ? Verbal communication ? â€Å"Cry if it makes you feel better. I will be there for you. † ? ? Nonverbal ? a hug or a touch at shouldersJust â€Å"borrow your ears† patiently ? Empowering the person â€Å"I know you have been strong and tough. I believe that you can pass through the hard time. † 25 8. Dealing with difficult people If one of your group members doesn’t show much effort on the group project (e. g. , often late for the project meetings, submit work late), how can you deal with him/her? 26 Being assertive! ? Being patient, giving people more than one chance, and being empathic! ? Change your reality: just being she was short-tempered doesn’t mean it’s going to ruin my day! ? 27 Self-reflection! ? ? ? Can you express yourself truly while respecting other persons’ rights?Do you know how to resolve conflicts with othe rs successfully? Do you often show support to others when they are in need? 28 Work on your relationships with the knowledge. It’s only YOU who can bring about the betterments. 29 References Hanna, S. L. , Suggett, R. , & Radtke, D. (2007). Person to person: Positive relationships don’t just happen (5th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Rogers, C. (1980). A way of being. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. Weiten, W. , & Lloyd, M. A. (2000). Psychology applied to modern life: Adjustment at the turn of the century (6th ed). Stamford, CT: Wadsworth. 30

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Antigone – Essay 9

Aristotle defines a tragic hero as â€Å"having high estate, nobility of soul, ability to have free will, having tragic flaw, also somebody we are able to empathize with, a person who suffers from reversal of fortune, achieving enlightenment, accepting responsibility for his/her fall and being able to die bravely. † I am going to use Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero to support evidence to the character Antigone, in the play Antigone. To me, the tragic hero in the play is Antigone. Antigone, who is the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta, becomes infuriated with Creon, who is the king of Thebes and her uncle. Creon will not allow Antigone's brother, Polynices, to be buried. Antigone tells her sister, Ismene, that she will defy Creon’s ruling even though she knows the consequences, which is death. The first on Aristotle’s tragic hero list is that the character â€Å"should be of high estate/class. † Antigone comes from high estate; she was considered a princess and was to be married to Creon’s son, Haemon. Though Antigone came from high estate/class, she still did not carry out the power to make changes; therefore, Antigone’s character of having high estate, yet no power, complies a little with Aristotle’s tragic hero. Second on Aristotle’s tragic hero list, was that the character â€Å"should have nobility of soul or tragic greatness. † Antigone showed nobility of soul because she stood-up for what she believed in knowing the outcomes would cost her life. An example of her nobility was when she first told her sister, Ismene, of what she was going to do. Antigone said, â€Å"I’ll bury him myself. And even if I die in the act, that death will be a glory. † I think that this quote shows nobility of soul, as well as, a tragic greatness. She saw it as glory to die for doing the right thing. (Line 85) Third on Aristotle’s tragic hero list, was that the character â€Å"should have free will and make important choices. † From the beginning of the play, until Antigone’s death, she kept her free will, as well as, making important choices for herself. When Antigone had gotten caught by the guards while burying her brother, she was taken to Creon to announce what she had done. There is a quote in there that shows how free willed of a person she was, Antigone says to Creon â€Å"Of course I did it. It wasn’t Zeus, not in the least, who made this proclamation—not to me†¦These laws—I was not about to break them, not out of fear of some man’s wounded pride, and face the retribution of the gods. † This quote by Antigone shows that she was capable of making her own choices, whether she would follow man’s law or the gods. She also showed that she was not afraid of the choices she made for herself. (Line 500) Aristotle’s fourth tragic hero listing is that the character â€Å"should have a tragic flaw or hamartia. Antigone made plenty of mistakes, her first one was defying Creon’s ruling. Though it was understandable why she made that choice, it probably would have spared her from going through all this trouble if she would have just asked Creon for a proper burial. Unfortunately, Antigone's stubbornness gets in the way of her thinking and results in her acting off of her emotions. Also, when it comes to Antigone’s dea th, if she would have not taken the matters into her own hand again, Creon had made the decision to free her and give her brother the proper burial. Yet, it is understandable that she does not want Creon to get satisfaction off of her death, as well as, not knowing that Creon would change his mind and actually side with her. Aristotle’s fifth tragic hero listing is that the character â€Å"should be someone with whom we can empathize. † Antigone had this down packed with the audience. The whole city empathized with Antigone and felt that â€Å"No woman ever deserved death less, and such a brutal death for such a glorious action. She, with her own dear brother lying in his blood she couldn’t bear to leave him dead, unburied, food for the wild dogs or wheeling vultures. Death? She deserves a glowing crown of gold! † I feel that quote right there sums it up. (Line 775) The sixth tragic hero listing that Aristotle feels is necessary, is that the character â€Å"should suffer a reversal of fortune (peripeteia), falling from a pinnacle to the depths. † Antigone was considered a princess and to be married to the king’s son, Haemon. After being caught by the guards, she was sentenced to death by the king, Creon. Now she is looked upon as a slave, not as a princess. She is treated like trash and looked down upon. She went from being of royalty to quickly being nothing. Antigone definitely serves the sixth tragic hero listing. The seventh tragic hero listing that Aristotle has is that the character â€Å"should achieve anagnorisis or enlightenment; should accept responsibility for his/her fall. † Antigone takes responsibility when she is first brought to Creon and asked if she was the one to give Polynices a proper burial, Antigone responded with â€Å"I did it. I don’t deny a thing. † Then Antigone shows her commonality with humanity when she is arguing with Creon about the citizens feeling like she did about his ruling. For example, Creon says â€Å"You alone, of all the people in Thebes, see things that way. † Antigone replies with â€Å"They see it that way but defer to you and keep their tongues in leash. † (Lines 492, 570) The last trait that Aristotle has listed that the tragic hero should carry is that the character â€Å"should die bravely. † Antigone died for love, for respect and for doing what she and many others believed what was right. She did not bravely give her life to defy one man’s wants; it just unfortunately came down to her having to do that. Antigone gave up â€Å"†¦bridal-song, the bridal-bed, denied all joy of marriage, raising children—deserted by loved ones, struck by fate†¦Ã¢â‚¬  just to give her brother, Polynices a proper burial. I think she clearly defines dying bravely. (Line 1009) In conclusion, the tragic hero in the play Antigone is herself, Antigone. Antigone shows how her character meets the requirements of Aristotle’s tragic hero, as well as, many other aspects that we find in a common hero. Antigone, from the beginning to the end of the play, lived and died for what she believed in.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Darker Side Of Robert Frost Essays - Robert Frost, Mending Wall

Darker Side Of Robert Frost Essays - Robert Frost, Mending Wall Darker Side Of Robert Frost Robert Frost is often referred to as a poet of nature. Words and phrases such as fire and ice, flowers in bloom, apple orchards and rolling hills, are all important elements of Frost's work. Remove them and something more than symbols are taken away. These benign' objects provide an alternative way to look at the world and are often used as metaphors to describe a darker view of nature and humans. In Frost's poetry, the depth is as important as the surface. The darker aspects of Frost's poetry are often portrayed through the use of symbolism, vivid imagery, and selective word choice. Frost's poems appear to be simple on the surface, yet upon further scrutiny the poems reveal themselves as elusive. Frost utilizes ordinary objects to create a deeper meaning. For example, the poem Mending Wall, appears to be about the differences between two neighbors and their ideas on rebuilding a wall. On the other hand, the wall may be viewed, in a more general sense, as a symbol to represent all the antagonistic or mistrustful barriers that divide man from man. The gaps I mean / No one has seen them made or heard them made / But at spring mending-time we find them there (lines 9-11), illustrates the point that people become separated without even realizing it because we become so caught up in what is happening in our own lives. The darkness, held within the afore mentioned quotation, is the feeling of sadness. The fact that we do not take notice of one another creates a place that becomes more and more divided by differences. Likewise, the poem Nothing Gold Can Stay seems to represent the change of seasons. But further analysis reveals that the speaker is also paralleling the cycles of life with the change in seasons. So dawn goes down to day (7) illustrates that in life as in nature, golden moments fade away. Then leaf subsides to leaf (5) implies autumn, when the leaves begin to turn gold and fall to the ground. The color gold represents the end of life, whereas green represents new life. The poem also illustrates the loss of innocence. As the seasons change, life progresses and innocence can no longer be sustained. Autumn represents death. The changes in the color of the leaves are often viewed as beautiful even though it marks the end of a season. The end to human life creates overwhelming feelings of anxiety and uncertainty. Death, for some people, is a taboo subject. People are not overly comfortable discussing death because of the emotions evoked. Yet, Frost has the ability to create an awareness o f the subject by using the beauty of nature as a filter. Frost's darker side is also prevalent through the imagery of many of his poems. For example, the title of the poem Desert Places, stimulates images of loneliness, feelings of abandonment, and a general sense of isolation. The word desert is often associated with harsh living conditions and a place devoid of life. The word it', in The woods around it have itit is theirs (5), refers to the field and suggests that the field is just there. The animals are absent too - smothered in their lairs (6). The speaker is too absent-spirited (7) to matter. Thus, without the care of man and without the animals the field is deserted, desolated, and lonely. The closing line To scare myself with my own desert places (16), examines the manner in which people often fail to get in contact with aspects of their personalities which are undesirable or difficult to admit. For example, the constant struggle between one's inner feelings and the accepted social norms. Desert places also suggests that people have darkness within themselves. The absence of a meaningful self or lack of self-esteem may create feelings of isolation. Stopping by Woods on a Snow evening, also illustrates a dark complexity to Frost's works. The poem captures images of loneliness and indecisiveness by selective word choice. For instance, woods are sometimes connected with the unknown, darkness and isolation. The speaker also uses phrases such as, darkest evening and frozen lake to solidify the mood of aloneness. The speaker is

Monday, November 4, 2019

Wal-Mart Business Model Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wal-Mart Business Model - Case Study Example It set-up giant all-in-one stores in small towns which quickly gained patronage because of the service that Wal-Mart associates provide and customers are able to buy the products they need in one convenient place. Today, Wal-Mart is the world's largest retailer with $345 billion in sales, with more than 176 million customers per week visiting its more than 6,500 stores worldwide, 61,000 suppliers and providing more than 3 million American jobs. ( 2008) Wal-Mart's continuing success may be attributed to Sam Walton's foresight in including information technology in its business model to facilitate organizational innovation. As early as 1966, Walton was recruiting IT professionals from IBM to help him wire his company. This led to innovations in just-in-time inventory, choreographed logistics and warehousing. (Beckham 2002) Wal-Mart's business model mandates that it provides the products and services that customers would want to buy. With the company's enormous data warehouse which includes customers' purchases, Wal-Mart knows what its customer wants and "it provides merchandise and designs its stores according to customer preferences." (Felgner 2006) In support of its objective of customer satisfaction, through technology, Wal-Mart is able to process more than 20 million customers per day, with credit card approvals done in less than a second. (Scheraga 2004) In 2000, was founded. Aside from fostering the ideals of its parent company, its additional goal is to provide easy access to more Wal-Mart with "more than 1 million products available online" and innovative services such as Music Downloads and Photo Services which allow customers to order online and pick-up at the nearest Wal-Mart, all available to Wal-Mart's customers 24/7. ( 2008) In 2001, Wal-Mart worked with NCR for the design and deployment of kiosks in the stores to help customers scan in items for bridal and baby registries, an innovation to improve customer service. According to Walton, "People think we got big by putting big stores in small towns. Really, we got big by replacing inventory with information." (Beckham 2002) In its industry, Wal-Mart is acknowledged for its legendary replenishment and forecasting system which Ron Ireland, one of the people who built it, says is what "retailers are scrambling to do today what Wal-Mart achieved years ago." (Hickey 2006) Because of Wal-Mart's use of technology, its inventory accuracy is above 96% vs. 70% for other food retailers. Wal-Mart has improved in-stocks, reduced holding inventory, reduced manual intervention and achieved much greater profit margins, according to Ireland. (Hickey 2006) All these cut down Wal-Mart's cost of operations and contribute to lowering selling prices for its customers. With Wal-Mart's employment of technology and e-Business practices of integration and synchronization among connected players, it is able to achieve operational efficiency and revenue enhancement, according to Ralph Drayer, former vice-president of Procter & Gamble. (Hickey 2006) "Wal-Mart's success is due not just to computers, but many other things besides: the late Sam Walton's entrepreneurship; his strategy of avoiding early competition by 'putting good-sized discount stores into little one-horse towns which everybody else was ignoring"; his insistence on saturating one area with stores before moving on to the next; his drive to keep costs

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Political Economy of Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Political Economy of Communication - Essay Example By adopting Mosco’s process of commodification, it is evident that Google’s value addition outcomes from its advertising ventures can be directly linked to its commodification of the users of Google on an extensive level. Due to Google’s online platform popularity and accessibility, a lot of firms use this venue as an advertising forum. The number of Google users are so many such that it makes the company an efficient advertising avenue for companies and in so doing, commodifies its users at a level above that of conventional advertising media. In addition, Google employs a valorization process that enhances its ability to reap more profits and revenue than conventional media platforms. Its commodification of the users is also identified via its ability to calculate the advertising costs accurately and personalizing strategies for advertisements, which are largely due to its unlimited access to consumer behavior data. Also, the company’s vague differentiation between serviced content and advertisements for goods and services on its platform, clearly results in the intense commodification of its users and their online activities. However, the most intense commodification identified with the activities of Google has to be those related with its sale of keywords to advertisement companies. The advertisers then link the advertisements to the output of search data and are valued with regards to their popularity on the Google online platform. This behavior of intense corporate capitalism at the expense of the rights of consumers (privacy) has been termed as commodification of user behavior at its worst, and highlights the importance and relevance of PEC/M in modern times. Besides advertisements, Google maps and its application constitutes part of the company’s main activities and revenue sources. In accordance with Mosco’s definition of spatialization, it is mainly concerned